Saturday, February 7, 2009

Economical Ammonia Analyzer

* High Precision
* High Sensitivity
* Simple to Use
* Extremely Wide Dynamic Range
* Economical of Own and Operate

LGR’s Economical Ammonia Analyzer (EAA) provides sensitive measurements of ammonia in ambient air or in industrial process flows with extremely high precision and sensitivity. No longer do you have to spend a lot of money or wait a long time to measure ammonia with high sensitivity – LGR’s EAA provides measurements every second with ppbv-level precision. In addition, the EAA can report measurements quickly over a very wide range of ammonia concentrations. The instrument, based on LGR’s cavity enhanced laser absorption spectroscopy, is simple to use, inexpensive to operate, and includes all components (internal vacuum pump, keyboard,mouse, video monitor) to start recording data within minutes. Other atmospheric gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, do not interfere with the ammonia measurements. The instrument includes an internal computer that can store data practically indefinitely on its internal hard drive (for unattended long-term operation), and that can send real-time data to a data logger through its analog and digital (RS232 serial) outputs. In addition, an Ethernet connection allows remote access to data files stored on the instrument’s hard drive. LGR’s EAA provides the high quality data necessary for the most demanding applications including semiconductor process monitoring and atmospheric trace gas monitoring. For customers interested in the highest precision with extremely fast response time, LGR offers the Trace Ammonia Analyzer.